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Professor Xu Zhongou is an esteemed professor and a master woodcut artist and painter. He is currently the dean of Pan Tianshou Art and Design College of Ningbo University, China’s top art school. In the early 1990s, the ten-meter-long print work "Qinglong Town" was collected by the British Museum, which established his position in the art world. Xu has twice invited Lily Yeh to Ningbo to speak to his undergraduate and graduate students, and he organized many introductions for Lily to other professional artists in the region.

Xu graduated from the painting department at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute with a major in woodcut painting. After graduating he began teaching at the Institue and remained there through 2001. He has also taught at the Fine Arts College of Sichuan University and the Fine Arts Colleg of Sichuan Music Insitute. In the printmaking world, Xu is regarded as a scholar and a thinker. He wanders between tradition and modernity, art and design, plane and space, constantly seeking breakthroughs. In particular, his recent works have transformed Western art into an abstract form.

Xu with Lily Yeh
outside of an exhibition
of his work at
Ningbo University
May 2024

10-meter-long scroll Qinglong Town Completed between 1987 and 1994.
Collected by the British Museum in 1998.

Sparrow Rock
Collection of the Art Institute of Chicago

Land of Rest