TED Talk, “How Art Transforms Brokenness Into Beauty”
Lily’s talk at the 2024 TED conference in Vancouver, BC. Viewed over 600,000 times!

The TED Interview, “The Healing Power of Art” (4/18/2024)
Lily speaks with TED curator Chris Anderson for the TED podcast.

New York Times, “Visualizing the Refugee Experience” (3/11/2020)
Lily’ is quoted and her painting, “Village Life in Rwanda Before the 1994 Genocide,” is featured in this New York Times article on the AVAM exibition “Esther and the Dream of One Loving Human Family.”
You can avoid the paywall and read the full article here.

Make Time, “Lily Yeh, A Journey to Broken Places” (9/14/2017)
Conversations about craft, inspiration and the creative process.

Visionary Activist Radio Show
Lily Yeh interview with Caroline Casey, April 10, 2014

TEDxCornell, “From Broken To Whole: Lily Yeh,” (11/17/2013)
Ithaca, New York

The Big Learning Event
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011, Speaker, “Awakening Creativity”

A World of Possibilities,
“Healing Arts, Healing Hearts: Lily Yeh in China,” Interview with Mark Summer, 2011

Logo for the Visionary Activst program on KPFA featuring an image of Caroline Casey.

The Visionary Activist Show,
“Awakening Creativity,” Interview with Caroline Casey, KPFA 94.1 FM, Berkeley, CA, 2011

Bioneers Conference, Rwanda Healing Project (2009)
Presentation by Lily Yeh.

Rwanda Healing Project Documentary by Chris Landy (2008)
Produced by Barefoot Artists, Inc.

Spark of Hope, Rwanda Photography Exhibit by Chris Noble, 2007

Edens Lost & Found: How Ordinary Citizens are Restoring Our Great American Cities Directed by Harry Wiland & Dale Bell, WHYY and other PBS affiliates, 2006

The Legend of Lily Yeh, by Wei-Jane Chir, bronze medal winner at Columbia Film Festival, 2003


“Kujenga Pamoja, Together We Build,” by Samuele Masotto (2003)

The Village of Arts and Humanities, Artscape, WHYY 91FM (2002)

“Talking Cloths: Making Art and Making Community,” by Barry Dornfeld (2002) Silent Auction benefiting the Village of Arts and Humanities (2002)

Dzegvi Children, Documentary Film, by Glenn Holsten and produced by Yeh about street children and their families in Dzegvi outside of Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (2001)

KPFA 94.1 FM Public Radio at UC Berkeley, CA (2001)

“Poetry TV,” by Glenn Holsten for Spotlight, WHYY/TV12 (2000)

“An Angel in the Village,” by Glenn holsten, a one-hour documentary film, PBS (1999)

“Newsmakers of the Year,” CN8, Comcast Network (1999)

“Lily Yeh’s Village of Arts and Humanities,”by Hsiao Yen, Chinese Television Network (1998)

“HomeTown Heroes,” Always Kids TV Network, Video West, UT (1998)

“100 Fellows,” by Glenn Holsten, Pew Fellowship in the Arts (1998)

“The Village of Arts and Humanities,“ Today Show, NBC (1997)

“Multiculturism at the Village,” Always Kids TV Network, UT (1997)

“The Village of Arts and Humanities,” Osgoode File, PBS (1996)

“The Magic Village,” TV3 (1995)

“Bridging the Generations,” Women’s Way (1994)

“People’s Talk,” TV10 (1993)

“Putting It Together In North Philadelphia,” a thirty minute documentary film by Glenn Holsten, WHYY/TV12 (1992)

“It Pulls It All Apart,” by Glenn Holsten for Spotlight, WHYY/TV12 (1991)

“Lily Yeh’ Dream,” by Glenn Holsten for Spotlight, WHYY/TV12 (1991)

“The Village of Arts and Humanities,”, Interview, Artscape, WHYY/91FM (1991)