The Barefoot Artists are here as a response to the call from the local and international artists who work together to bring the memory and the cultural heritage back to the people here, many of whom have forgotten the soul of Gorlitz.

We hope to share the Barefoot Artists methodology with Bohemian Crossings so that this team of artists, with their own languages and sensibilities, can learn to work together and bring the creative potential to their communities.  Gorlitz Gray is a poem that three team members wrote on the first day of our workshop and beautifully describes the darkness that is present alongside the beauty of this alluring and mysterious place.


The gray in Gorlitz is special;
Something depressing, but, at the same time,
Something soothing,
Like an old acquaintance –
Or an aching last leaf
On an autumn tree
Awaiting a strong enough wind.

The gray in Gorlitz is special:
A wounded beauty which walls itself behind inertia.
This gray belongs to Gorlitz.
It makes the character of the city interesting,
And slumbers also, behind colorful facades,
And in the heads of its people.
A mysterious window awaiting the knock that will turn it to door.